Wednesday 10 February 2010

Half way through the week

Can't believe it's Wednesday already, the days seem to fly past. Wow it's only 317 days until Christmas, better start buying the pressies. Oh no wait a minute, Easter hasn't been yet and then there are the summer holidays to think about. Ach I might as well wait a week or two before ordering the turkey, oops yes the holidays spring to mind again cos I'm going back to Turkey.

Lovely weather, friendly people, brilliant food and copious amounts of alcohol. Last year we only went for a week, ate like the proverbial pigs, drank like fish on a couple of occasions and I still managed to lose weight. Maybe the fact that we walked for miles every day. Imagine doing that in the sunny climes of Glasgow or Dunfermline or any other town in the UK - me thinks not. Roll on September when we do it all again for 10 days this time. Hotel is booked, still looking for flights but will be fine.

Short working day today, doctor's this morning - nothing too serious, got blood tests done so should know pretty soon. Hubby picking me up on his way home from work, he was sleep over last night so haven't actually seen him since Monday, that's life. (ooh that would make a good song title), so will be leaving early as well.

Really tired just now, had the cold then my black mood and an assignment to do but hey life is fun, grasp it with both hands cos you don't know what is round the corner.

Bye for now

More ramblings tomorrow.
