Wednesday 23 June 2010

Oh dear

Today started off well. Went to Edinburgh on a course, lots of them this past couple of weeks but all necessary. The weather was superb, warm and sunny but OMG the sights, not pretty. Why oh why do some larger than normal people have to subject others to their mounds of white wobbly flesh. Makes you feel ill!!! Anyway course went well but weather changed dramatically. Cloudy with a hint of rain - but so warm. We need a good thunderstorm to clear the air. Then again is there such a thing as a good thunderstorm.

On train back listening to Il Divo when my phone interrupted my thoughts. My daughter phoned in a bit of a state - her friend who I've mentioned before got word last night that at best she has 6 months to live. I didn't know what to say. She knew she had terminal cancer but this makes it so final. She has to prepare herself and her little boys for the inevitable. She has asked if my daughter will look after her youngest who is only 2. Not take him but help to look after him. Her other sons are 12, 11 and 8. Not sure if I got their ages right the last time I wrote. My thoughts are now with her and her family at this sad time. She has no living relatives of her own - apart from the boys, her mum passed away last year and her dad when she was 2 the same age as her youngest boy.

It puts life into perspective doesn't it.

Bye for now
