Thursday 18 February 2010

Bloggings back

Bloggings back
Hey I'm back in the land of bloggers. Yippee. The system was being upgraded/overhauled or whatever it is they do to make it run better. Only problem is we will have untold problems for the next couple of weeks with unsolicited adverts and requests. It's always the same. Wish they would leave it alone. If it's not broke why fix it.

Anyway most colleagues are away at an all day event which means I can get on a do the wee things that I've been meaning to do for ages but never had the time, cleaning out filing cabinets, shredding and all the other exciting jobs.

Waiting patiently for my TMA result, should be in today. Have decided if result is not good I will rethink this whole Uni thing. The next assignment which isn't due until 23 March is a report but stumped with the actual question. Will see what happens and keep you in touch.

Buying a birthday card at lunchtime, haven't seen a decent one yet because of all the Valentines, it's for a 90 year old and the only one I did see was drab and not very caring. I know my mother in law is a bit of a haridan or was in her younger years but to get to 90 is an achievement in itself. Bless her she's got dementia and doesn't really know people. We visited and to begin with it was fine but after about 5 minutes so was asking who we were? This was repeated throughout the whole visit, some lucid moments then dwelling on the past. She informed us that William, Bill and Muriel were visiting her later, sadly they have all passed. William over 60 years ago, Bill 20 years ago and Muriel 16 months ago. Do I want to get to that age? not so sure about that one either. Day for reflection as well I think.

Onto a bit brighter note, it's Thursday and nearly the end of the week. Going shopping on Saturday and probably take in lunch. Also a week closer to pay day. How exciting is that?

Bye for now.
