Wednesday 28 July 2010

Mid week again

Where does the time go to. It's Wednesday again, I believe this happens once a week, and it's almost the end of July. The days are passing by so quickly but then again so are the years.

The funeral on Monday was a wakeup to a lot of people. There were so many people in attendance, the majority were friends of Charlene's mum but there were also distant relative from Essex. So distant that Charlene's partner and sons had only met them at her mums's funeral last year. Not close then. How poignant that they should attend the funeral of one so young with so much to live for and who was so cruelly taken from those who loved her. The Church of Scotland service was strange to say the least. The organist obviously wanted to get home and rushed the singing along, although one old biddie sang her heart out at her speed. The deaconess (minister was on holiday) told a story about water beetles and dragonflies to explain to the boys what had happened to their mum. Would have been different if the boys had been really little but the looks on the faces of a 12 and 13 year old said it all. She ended her story by saying 'Your mum's dead, she's not coming back' doh we know that why do you think we're all here? The ear splitting grin on Gordon's face as he left the church to the chords of Kings of Leon was a joy to see. He was heartbroken but was smiling because he knew Charlene had a wicked sense of humour. She had discussed what she wanted a few weeks prior to her demise and he followed it to the letter. She's now interred in the cemetery along with her mum, dad and brother. Together again for ever.

I was remembering my teenage years the other day, yeh I know that was eons ago but what fun we had. The youth club at the church was always looked forward to eagerly, meeting up with friends and hoping for a glimpse of the yearned for special person, which never really materialised. The Sunday school, I was a teacher, with the little faces eager to hear more stories and the making of special cards, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter. The Brownies, Guides and Rangers, I could go on forever. Where did it all go?

I missed out on a lot of fun though getting married so young but wouldn't change a thing, well not where my children are concerned. I only really have one regret and that is that I wasn't a better mother. If I had been then maybe I would still have three children to tell me their woes and troubles instead of just one. Would I turn back the clock - no I don't think so?

Life is what you make it and I love life.

Till tomorrow

Cheeri xx

1 comment:

  1. Glad all went well the boys seed to get through it ok. Memories of the past I have been have plenty of those these last few weeks .

