Sunday 7 February 2010

Getting my brain into gear

I'm having a bit of a problem right now. I have an assignment to hand in on Tuesday and although I have my notes and textbook I just can't seem to get it together. Perhaps I'm just not meant to be doing this. I think about all the things I've been told about how to set out my assignment, how to read the question and how to write in my own words but guess what---- I can't remember a thing. There's just this black hole and nothing seems to be staying in there. I know eventually I will get something down on paper but right now I don't seem too certain.

It's been a funny old week, started on quite a low note, black feelings, not wanting to do anything but has changed for the better, slow but sure. The black feeling is now a shade of gray.

Life is good, family are keeping well and the dark nights are getting lighter. Friendships are blossoming and my dearest friend (you know who you are) is always there for me. I wish we could see each other again but then perhaps that wouldn't be such a good idea. Best to let things stay the way they are.

Less of the rambling and more of the doing, going to have something to eat then get the thinking head on.

Ramble again later.

1 comment:

  1. My problem is making sure I do things in the right order. I frequently put my mouth into gear before I put my brain into action with all the usual consequences.

