Monday 8 February 2010

Happy Monday

Can't believe it's Monday again. Where do the days go to and why are Saturday and Sunday the shortest days of the week.

Feeling so much better today, glad I caught the black mood in time. Hate going there feel so worthless, helpless and of no value. Still things are much brighter and hopefully will stay that way.

Back at work bright eyed and bushy tailed (emmmm) well you know what I mean. So much to do and so little time to do it in. Have to get cracking on sorting out a filing cabinet and cupboard. Should have done it last week but with being off, etc, etc.

Have brought my assignment with me, will work on it at lunchtime and hope the gray cells start to work a bit better than they have been doing of late. Only got today and tomorrow to complete it. Thankfully I have a terrific tutor who will allow me extra time if needed. Beginning to like the course although it wasn't what I expected it to be. Bit of a mixture but will be worth it in the end. Who knows in 5 years I could have a BA in Criminology and then watch out, ha ha.

Time to go and get on with some work. Cheeri xx

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