Sunday 18 April 2010


Have decided this is the last blog I'm going to write. Mainly for personal and selfish reasons.

I had a good week, my step son, daughter-in-law and grandaughter were here from Colchester for a couple of days. Son is in the army and going to be deployed to Afghanistan some time soon.

We went for dinner on Wednesday but because I had training for my new post, which I start on 4 May, I wasn't able to take any time off on Thursday. They went to Edinburgh on Friday. I met up with them again on Saturday before they went back home.

Had a lovely time buying gifts for my grandaughter who I hadn't seen for 3 years. She is so grown up looking but when she talks you can hear she is still just a little girl, she's nearly a teenager. 12 coming on 17. Love her to bits. Lasting memory will always be when we visited Colchester a few years ago, we slept on a blow up bed in her room. She shared with her mum and dad. About 7.30 in the morning this little six year olds' voice said, 'Grandma are you awake, can you help me?' there she was standing with her hands full of the tiniest dollies I had ever seen - Bratz - and she wanted me to dress them. Still half asleep and no glasses, still I managed and she was happy.

She wants a hamster for her birthday so if that's what she wants that's what she'll get. Will just send the money though wouldn't want to be done for cruelty sending it through the post, lol.

Daughter gave me a fright again by having another seizure. Been a while since the last one. She's fine and was out of hospital within 5 hours this time. Brought on by an infection but she's going to be referred yet again to a neurologist.

Well that's it my very last ever blog.

So goodbye and thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Well what blow I loved reading how you were doing but if you have decided to stop the stop you will I know you are determined. Will miss reading take care. Is this your Grandaughter she is very very pretty know somebody who would make a great sketch of that.

