Wednesday 7 April 2010

I'm back

Wow what a time I've had in the last couple of weeks.

In my last blog I mentioned that my mother-in-law had passed away. It was a really sad time for my husband. His dad died about 25 years ago and he had no siblings. There was an older brother who died before hubby was born. It was a shame cos he and his mum didn't get on.

I don't know how I will cope without my mum. I know what it was like when dad went nearly 5 years ago. I think about him every day. Don't they make a lovely couple, this was taken over 30 years ago.

M-in-L had the presence of mind a few years ago to organise her own funeral. All we had to do apart from register her passing was to finalise the details. She wasn't really religious so didn't want any hymns. Hubby had spoken to her about it. We sat down together to pick some music and decided on Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy as the mourners came into the crematorium, Ripple by Grateful Dead as the coffin was borne in and Time to Say Goodbye by Katherine Jenkins as the curtains came round.

It was a lovely service although not everyone agreed. The minister had paid attention to the smallest of details and gave a really good account of a long hard life from being a firewatcher in London during the blitz to service in a large house and eventually as a recorder in the court. M-in-L had a varied life.

There was a sharp intake of breath as the minister regailed the congregation with tit bits of her long and varied life. There was a sharp intake of breath however when he happened to say that "Chrissie and Bill's life was made complete when Sydney came along", not strictly true but brought a rye grin to hubby's face. You had to be there.

Anyway there were the usual grumblings about the funeral being rubbish etc. Three of my step sons attended - the fourth being in Cyprus. Talk about the Dingles. Apart from the fact that one of the unmentionable ones slashed one of the tyres on the car everything went without a hitch. We couldn't prove it but we knew who it was.

All over and done with now, no time for regrets or what might have been.

Have not been too well for a few weeks now, winter/spring cold, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, headache the lot but not as bad as my friend who has been diagnosed with pneumonia. She carried on at work until she was sent home on Tuesday. So much for my weeks holiday I spent most of it in bed.

Fifth TMA was e-mailed to Uni - I passed, things are tough but I'm getting there. So much so that I have already registered for another year - Crime, Welfare and Society. What a fool, eh!!

I'm also waiting for a start date for my new job. I'll miss my colleagues but need a new challenge.

Well that's it for just now, can't blog from work anymore so will just have to make time at night after work.

1 comment:

  1. I wsa thinking i was going do wally for a bit I was thinking I have read this blog before but I cant have then it dawned on me you had told me much of this in an email. Congrats on passing that TMA and brave of you signing up for another. When will you hear about the new job I am sure you are getting excited at the prospect.

