Hee hee just love this dancing granny!!!
Monday morning again, how quickly the weekend goes past.
Very quiet and uneventful - not.
Daughter's friend is suffering with terminal cancer, such a lovely girl and so young. She has 4 little boys the eldest only 12 and the baby is 2. She fought and won her first battle with the dreaded disease but it's back with a vengeance. She has had numerous operations and is back on chemo when her health permits, anyway she had a setback on Saturday and was rushed in critical condition to hospital. Daughter went with her and stayed until she was admitted to HDU. Much to everyone's relief she rallied and by yesterday was much better and sitting up, more coherent and lively.
We had arranged to meet up for lunch but put it on the back burner until we knew what was happening. Daughter eventually arrived at Silverburn and we had a lovely lunch at one of the Italian restaurants.
I bought another couple of things to go with my outfit for the wedding on Friday. Just a purse to go with my handbag and shoes. Got another pair of shoes as well, mock crock in black, red and orange, really nice. Had a bit of a stuchie with hubby though about a shirt. He had bought a new suit in grey and tried to say that he shirt he had at home would be fine, well yes it would if it had fitted. Shock, horror had to buy a bigger suit - 44in chest. He denies putting on any weight, yeh right. Anyway he decided a new shirt was in order. The one he wanted was quite expensive and no matter how I tried to dissuade him from buying it - it's only for the one day, we never go anywhere you would need to wear a shirt etc. I finally conceded and thought that would be the end of it but no he then started looking at ties which cost as much as the shirt .......... but they're silk. Yes and your point is???? Anyway daughter went and bought a lovely tie for Father's Day. Perfect match for the colour of shirt. So peace reigned once more.
Did I mention I've started at the gym in work? Well been once so far and found it really enjoyable. Been trying hard to be healthy. The only problem I have is the food at work. Don't get me wrong it is lovely, fantastic choices as well but why oh why do they have to ruin everything with the world's most horrible, disgusting vegetables - mushrooms, celery and asparagus. Yeuck, yeuck, yeuck. I love salads but hate the 3 mentioned veggies. The should be banned from the light of day, yeh I know mushrooms are to begin with but they should be kept in the dark and never ever let out. Celery is the bain of my life, it's in everything, does it know I hate it so much it's haunting me!!!! Oh well back to the bean salad, lettuce, beetroot and boiled eggs again.
Enough ranting, time for some serious work, till tomorrow, Cheeri x
We had arranged to meet up for lunch but put it on the back burner until we knew what was happening. Daughter eventually arrived at Silverburn and we had a lovely lunch at one of the Italian restaurants.
I bought another couple of things to go with my outfit for the wedding on Friday. Just a purse to go with my handbag and shoes. Got another pair of shoes as well, mock crock in black, red and orange, really nice. Had a bit of a stuchie with hubby though about a shirt. He had bought a new suit in grey and tried to say that he shirt he had at home would be fine, well yes it would if it had fitted. Shock, horror had to buy a bigger suit - 44in chest. He denies putting on any weight, yeh right. Anyway he decided a new shirt was in order. The one he wanted was quite expensive and no matter how I tried to dissuade him from buying it - it's only for the one day, we never go anywhere you would need to wear a shirt etc. I finally conceded and thought that would be the end of it but no he then started looking at ties which cost as much as the shirt .......... but they're silk. Yes and your point is???? Anyway daughter went and bought a lovely tie for Father's Day. Perfect match for the colour of shirt. So peace reigned once more.
Did I mention I've started at the gym in work? Well been once so far and found it really enjoyable. Been trying hard to be healthy. The only problem I have is the food at work. Don't get me wrong it is lovely, fantastic choices as well but why oh why do they have to ruin everything with the world's most horrible, disgusting vegetables - mushrooms, celery and asparagus. Yeuck, yeuck, yeuck. I love salads but hate the 3 mentioned veggies. The should be banned from the light of day, yeh I know mushrooms are to begin with but they should be kept in the dark and never ever let out. Celery is the bain of my life, it's in everything, does it know I hate it so much it's haunting me!!!! Oh well back to the bean salad, lettuce, beetroot and boiled eggs again.
Enough ranting, time for some serious work, till tomorrow, Cheeri x
Well we disagree about that one then the three vegatables mentioned above I love all three. But then I just love vegatables.