Wednesday 28 July 2010

Mid week again

Where does the time go to. It's Wednesday again, I believe this happens once a week, and it's almost the end of July. The days are passing by so quickly but then again so are the years.

The funeral on Monday was a wakeup to a lot of people. There were so many people in attendance, the majority were friends of Charlene's mum but there were also distant relative from Essex. So distant that Charlene's partner and sons had only met them at her mums's funeral last year. Not close then. How poignant that they should attend the funeral of one so young with so much to live for and who was so cruelly taken from those who loved her. The Church of Scotland service was strange to say the least. The organist obviously wanted to get home and rushed the singing along, although one old biddie sang her heart out at her speed. The deaconess (minister was on holiday) told a story about water beetles and dragonflies to explain to the boys what had happened to their mum. Would have been different if the boys had been really little but the looks on the faces of a 12 and 13 year old said it all. She ended her story by saying 'Your mum's dead, she's not coming back' doh we know that why do you think we're all here? The ear splitting grin on Gordon's face as he left the church to the chords of Kings of Leon was a joy to see. He was heartbroken but was smiling because he knew Charlene had a wicked sense of humour. She had discussed what she wanted a few weeks prior to her demise and he followed it to the letter. She's now interred in the cemetery along with her mum, dad and brother. Together again for ever.

I was remembering my teenage years the other day, yeh I know that was eons ago but what fun we had. The youth club at the church was always looked forward to eagerly, meeting up with friends and hoping for a glimpse of the yearned for special person, which never really materialised. The Sunday school, I was a teacher, with the little faces eager to hear more stories and the making of special cards, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter. The Brownies, Guides and Rangers, I could go on forever. Where did it all go?

I missed out on a lot of fun though getting married so young but wouldn't change a thing, well not where my children are concerned. I only really have one regret and that is that I wasn't a better mother. If I had been then maybe I would still have three children to tell me their woes and troubles instead of just one. Would I turn back the clock - no I don't think so?

Life is what you make it and I love life.

Till tomorrow

Cheeri xx

Monday 26 July 2010

Sorrow abounds again

Today is the funeral. It's miserable and raining just typical. The service is Church of Scotland with a burial in Rutherglen. Wee soul is to be reunited with her mum, dad and brother - together again.

One of the saddest sights I've ever seen was yesterday when we went to drop daughter at the house. We were invited in for a coffee, three wee hangers with black trousers and white shirts. Wee boys shouldn't have to be put through something so traumatic. Don't know what the youngest will be wearing or if he will even be attending. Would imagine he will be there though.

Fun to the end the music for coming out of the church is "My sex is on fire" by Kings of Leon. Strange music for a funeral but each to his own.

Nothing else to say today.

More praying hands for you to admire.

Bye x

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Will the heartache never end

I know it's not quite the same as a human's passing but one of my cousin's beloved cats died yesterday. He was a lovely big, docile boy named Gizmo.

My cousins stay on the other side of the pond and have never married. They share a house and have done for the past 30+ years. They have both had relationships but not the commitment of marriage.

They love their animals and at one time had 7 cats - mostly strays they took in and a alsation named Phantom. He was a real character. They still have a dog only a small Maltese called Muneca. She's poorly as well.

Let's hope this is the end of the sadness in our family for a while. I don't know how much more it will take before I break down in tears. So close to it at present. Thank goodness for work.

Cheeri x

Tuesday 20 July 2010


My daughter's friend gave up on a life of pain and passed away on 19 July.

She so wanted to have her partnership blessed and was in the middle of arrangements. With my daughter's help she had chosen lilac, purple and silver as her theme. She was making her own cards and I had printed off a form of words for inserts.

Due to her very sad circumstances, being an orphan and having no siblings we wanted to do everything we could to help. My sister offered to make a cake and my daughter was organising as much as she could. She even helped Gordon with chosing kilts as a surprise.

Poor soul didn't see her work come to fruition. Her little boys never got to say goodbye and my heart breaks for them all.

Short and sweet today.

God Bless you Charlene, free from pain and in God's arms.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Oh dear

Today started off well. Went to Edinburgh on a course, lots of them this past couple of weeks but all necessary. The weather was superb, warm and sunny but OMG the sights, not pretty. Why oh why do some larger than normal people have to subject others to their mounds of white wobbly flesh. Makes you feel ill!!! Anyway course went well but weather changed dramatically. Cloudy with a hint of rain - but so warm. We need a good thunderstorm to clear the air. Then again is there such a thing as a good thunderstorm.

On train back listening to Il Divo when my phone interrupted my thoughts. My daughter phoned in a bit of a state - her friend who I've mentioned before got word last night that at best she has 6 months to live. I didn't know what to say. She knew she had terminal cancer but this makes it so final. She has to prepare herself and her little boys for the inevitable. She has asked if my daughter will look after her youngest who is only 2. Not take him but help to look after him. Her other sons are 12, 11 and 8. Not sure if I got their ages right the last time I wrote. My thoughts are now with her and her family at this sad time. She has no living relatives of her own - apart from the boys, her mum passed away last year and her dad when she was 2 the same age as her youngest boy.

It puts life into perspective doesn't it.

Bye for now

Monday 21 June 2010

Another weekend gone

Hee hee just love this dancing granny!!!
Monday morning again, how quickly the weekend goes past.

Very quiet and uneventful - not.
Daughter's friend is suffering with terminal cancer, such a lovely girl and so young. She has 4 little boys the eldest only 12 and the baby is 2. She fought and won her first battle with the dreaded disease but it's back with a vengeance. She has had numerous operations and is back on chemo when her health permits, anyway she had a setback on Saturday and was rushed in critical condition to hospital. Daughter went with her and stayed until she was admitted to HDU. Much to everyone's relief she rallied and by yesterday was much better and sitting up, more coherent and lively.

We had arranged to meet up for lunch but put it on the back burner until we knew what was happening. Daughter eventually arrived at Silverburn and we had a lovely lunch at one of the Italian restaurants.

I bought another couple of things to go with my outfit for the wedding on Friday. Just a purse to go with my handbag and shoes. Got another pair of shoes as well, mock crock in black, red and orange, really nice. Had a bit of a stuchie with hubby though about a shirt. He had bought a new suit in grey and tried to say that he shirt he had at home would be fine, well yes it would if it had fitted. Shock, horror had to buy a bigger suit - 44in chest. He denies putting on any weight, yeh right. Anyway he decided a new shirt was in order. The one he wanted was quite expensive and no matter how I tried to dissuade him from buying it - it's only for the one day, we never go anywhere you would need to wear a shirt etc. I finally conceded and thought that would be the end of it but no he then started looking at ties which cost as much as the shirt .......... but they're silk. Yes and your point is???? Anyway daughter went and bought a lovely tie for Father's Day. Perfect match for the colour of shirt. So peace reigned once more.

Did I mention I've started at the gym in work? Well been once so far and found it really enjoyable. Been trying hard to be healthy. The only problem I have is the food at work. Don't get me wrong it is lovely, fantastic choices as well but why oh why do they have to ruin everything with the world's most horrible, disgusting vegetables - mushrooms, celery and asparagus. Yeuck, yeuck, yeuck. I love salads but hate the 3 mentioned veggies. The should be banned from the light of day, yeh I know mushrooms are to begin with but they should be kept in the dark and never ever let out. Celery is the bain of my life, it's in everything, does it know I hate it so much it's haunting me!!!! Oh well back to the bean salad, lettuce, beetroot and boiled eggs again.

Enough ranting, time for some serious work, till tomorrow, Cheeri x

Friday 18 June 2010

Excitement for a Friday

Wow what a start to the morning. Only in the office about 10 minutes when the fire alarm went off. As a designated fire marshal I had to quickly pick up my 'now you see me jacket' and shepherd all colleagues to the nearest fire exit. Being on the 5th floor it's quite a trek. Had been to a meeting yesterday regarding the previous test and was informed that too many people were leaving the building carrying cups of coffee etc. Only 1 of my section did that today and when I spoke to her she replied that there was nowhere to leave her coffee. Duh there are loads of desks and filing cabinets within the ares. Never mind the e-mail telling people it's not allowed hasn't been sent yet.

This wasn't what I expected to write today. I was feeling rather nostalgic yesterday and started to remember things from bye gone years, at my age there are plenty of those. Anyway one song sprang to mind, an old Foster and Allen - If I had my life to live over. Would I change things, probably if I could. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I wouldn't change everything but I possibly would tell people how I felt about them, but too late now. Missed chances and some regrets but that's life ----- oh another song by Frank Sinatra.

My sister is doing the Race for Life on Sunday, so proud of her that's about the 4th year she's done it. Have sponsored her as always. She wanted to meet up on Saturday but I've got lots to do, getting hair cut, waiting around for the gas man to come and check the boiler. It's her daughter's wedding on Friday and she's not the least bit organised.

Hey ho better get on with some work.

Blog again soon.

Take care, cheeri
