Friday, 26 February 2010

Damp, wet and dreich

At least the snow has gone but it has been replaced by drizzly rain, the kind that really soaks right through to the skin. Just glad we don't stay up or around Perth and Aberdeen. Thoughts of being stranded terrify me but hopefully it won't happen.

Mind you I was trapped in a lift on the 18th floor when I was 4 months pregnant. Now that was scarey and being claustraphobic didn't help. Was visiting an aunt in Sighthill and didn't fancy walking up the stairs so forced myself to get into the lift with the thought that it wouldn't be too bad. How wrong was I?? Was there on my own for 25 minutes, boy was I a wreck when the emergency services let me out.

Took me years to get back into a lift even with family. The biggest achievement was when I made it to the top of the Empire State Building in New York with my favourite uncle who is sadly no longer with us. His hand was bruised cos I held onto is so hard but it was worth it for the views. Still prefer stairs although would have been there forever climbing.

Roll on the weekend, daughter is getting out tomorrow so if she feels up to it we will go shopping before I take her home. She hasn't had any type of surgery so should be okay.

Hope you like the pictures, yes they are random but nice all the same. This one was taken when I was on holiday with my sister in Turkey. We were on a day trip round 5 bays. When I viewed this on my camera my beloved dad's face could be seen so clearly but when viewed normally he's not there. He was with us all the time we were away, as a fly on the plane, a spider in the room, a lizard on the wall, fish in the water and a fly on the plane coming home. Made us laugh at times. Good old dad, loved by us all and so sadly missed.

Happy blogging and thanks for the comments.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

OMG what can I say, it's snowing again. It started as flurries yesterday and got heavier during the day. By tea-time we decided to park the car on the drive and forget about going back out. About an hour later our footsteps had disappeared and the road was indistinguishable from the pavement.

Daughter still in hospital and leading nursing staff a merry dance. She is so demanding at times and nothing anyone says or does is right. She has already fallen out with one nurse but then again nothing I didn't expect. She does it every time. Mind you she was really good last year and hardly had any stays in hospital. Where a 'normal' person goes in for routine/exploritory surgery and is out in a day or two at the most, my dear daughter is in for at least a week. Nothing seems straightforward with her.

Brighter news is that she should be out on Saturday, I'll have to be up early so that I can get the car for picking her up, hubby is day shift, still at least it means I can go shopping as well, pay day tomorrow, hurray.
Hopefully the treatment she is having this time will cure or at least greatly assist the problems she has. Hubby is visiting her this afternoon, might go tonight, depends. Don't get me wrong I love her to bits but she is tiring, might make an excuse to leave it until tomorrow.

Very manic day due to the snow, arrangements having to be changed, staff not able to come in, fortunately managed to get here round about usual time only to find that the centre of town was clear of the fluffy white stuff, only raining. Had to trudge through about 2 inches of the damn stuff this morning to get my bus. Starting to snow again just now here's hoping it doesn't last too long this time. Christmas and New Year were a nightmare.

Talk again tomorrow weather permitting.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Monday Blues

Thank goodness the weekend is over. What a time I've had. Started off really well, shopping and lunch with husband and daughter. Home for husband to watch his rugby and see his team win, narrow margin but still a win. More than I can say for Dunfermline, divvies again. Anyway relaxing playing games on computer when daughter called to say she didn't feel too well. She'd had stomach pains for a couple of days but seemed okay. Taken to hospital at 9.30 and admitted with suspected gall stones. Hubby didn't get home until 2.30am. Tired and anxious. Sunday brought loads of running around, taking hubby to work so could use car, visiting hospital in the afternoon - ultra sound, no gallstones - home for lunch, back to hospital in evening. Daughter's house to check on Tiggs then to hubby's work to pick him up. Finally got home at 9.45 shattered and wanting to sleep. But once again head hits pillow, brain wakes up and won't switch back off.

Tossing and turning most of the night, worried about lots of different things but mainly daughter's health yet again. Will they ever find out what it wrong? Seems like forever, hospital appointments, long stays in hospital, short stays in hospital and always the same, can't find anything wrong. Why all the chronic pain if there's nothing wrong!! Maybe this time, we can only hope.

Doctor's appointment for me early morning didn't realise that GP's got up that early, surgery opens at 7.30 wow. Still everything checked out, blood tests although not quite normal nothing to worry about. Weepy moments another thing, back to see doc in 4 weeks.

Enough of the doom and gloom, it's a lovely sunny, cold nearly spring morning. The snowdrops are awakening and lifting their little heads from the frozen soil, how do they do that?

Bye for now.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Oh Dear (no a donkey)

I really feel like crying. Got my mark last night for my latest assignment for uni course. Okay it was 50% but really felt I had done better this time. Marks are consistent (consistently bad). Started off not too great - first time studying for more than 15 years, second assignment was pleased with 55% but going down hill again. Is it worth it? Tutor seems to think I'm doing well. Hardly slept last night worrying about where I go next. Feel so tired today.

It's really cold and dreich again today although it's lighter in the mornings. Still it is Friday and a short day, well half an hour less to work.

Don't feel much like blogging today so will finish now, had my moan. Back Monday.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Bloggings back

Bloggings back
Hey I'm back in the land of bloggers. Yippee. The system was being upgraded/overhauled or whatever it is they do to make it run better. Only problem is we will have untold problems for the next couple of weeks with unsolicited adverts and requests. It's always the same. Wish they would leave it alone. If it's not broke why fix it.

Anyway most colleagues are away at an all day event which means I can get on a do the wee things that I've been meaning to do for ages but never had the time, cleaning out filing cabinets, shredding and all the other exciting jobs.

Waiting patiently for my TMA result, should be in today. Have decided if result is not good I will rethink this whole Uni thing. The next assignment which isn't due until 23 March is a report but stumped with the actual question. Will see what happens and keep you in touch.

Buying a birthday card at lunchtime, haven't seen a decent one yet because of all the Valentines, it's for a 90 year old and the only one I did see was drab and not very caring. I know my mother in law is a bit of a haridan or was in her younger years but to get to 90 is an achievement in itself. Bless her she's got dementia and doesn't really know people. We visited and to begin with it was fine but after about 5 minutes so was asking who we were? This was repeated throughout the whole visit, some lucid moments then dwelling on the past. She informed us that William, Bill and Muriel were visiting her later, sadly they have all passed. William over 60 years ago, Bill 20 years ago and Muriel 16 months ago. Do I want to get to that age? not so sure about that one either. Day for reflection as well I think.

Onto a bit brighter note, it's Thursday and nearly the end of the week. Going shopping on Saturday and probably take in lunch. Also a week closer to pay day. How exciting is that?

Bye for now.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Bring back blogging

For some reason I can no longer blog from work, a warning comes up when I try to open my blog and I can't visit anyone elses either. Oh well just have wait till I get home now and get on with work instead.

Will start to get busy again tomorrow as boss is back from his leave. He's been to the far east, lucky or what?

Feeling a lot better, been taking the tablets for the last couple of nights and getting a good sleep, only have 4 left but they certainly helped.

Had a brilliant day on Saturday, was in Rosyth visiting my beloved mum. Took her to Glenrothes for the day, went shopping and had lunch before coming back to Glasgow. Drove over at 9 and back at 7 so long day but really enjoyable. Probably go back over in a couple of weeks.

Must remember birthday card for mother-in-law, she's 90 on the 20th. Not bad eh.

Sister's birthday on 1st and cousin's on 2nd so busy time for cards.

Blog again soon.


Thursday, 11 February 2010

Thursday again!!!


Can't believe it's almost the weekend yet again. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and apart from draining one arm of blood I was given some medication. Anti biotics and something short-term to help me sleep. Took the first one last night and after about 20 minutes, according to hubby, I started talking gibberish and staggered upstairs to bed. He very kindly filled my hot water bottle to save me the perilous journey back down to the kitchen. When he came to bed I was sound asleep with glasses still on and a magazine. To be perfectly honest I don't even remember the perilous journey let alone trying to read a magazine. Here's hoping it has the same effect tonight. Still feel a tad groggy this morning but not really tired. Too soon really to say they are working.

Have got the most beautiful picture of 'sunflowers' pinned up by my desk, they make me smile when I see them and then I have memories, from what seems a hundred years, of the person who painted them. Life's a funny old thing but it's best not to dwell on the past and wish for things which didn't and couldn't have happened.

It's so very cold this morning but as least we don't have the snow and ice from a few weeks ago. America is getting the brunt of it this time.

Well enough is enough better get started working.

Natter again soon, xx

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Half way through the week

Can't believe it's Wednesday already, the days seem to fly past. Wow it's only 317 days until Christmas, better start buying the pressies. Oh no wait a minute, Easter hasn't been yet and then there are the summer holidays to think about. Ach I might as well wait a week or two before ordering the turkey, oops yes the holidays spring to mind again cos I'm going back to Turkey.

Lovely weather, friendly people, brilliant food and copious amounts of alcohol. Last year we only went for a week, ate like the proverbial pigs, drank like fish on a couple of occasions and I still managed to lose weight. Maybe the fact that we walked for miles every day. Imagine doing that in the sunny climes of Glasgow or Dunfermline or any other town in the UK - me thinks not. Roll on September when we do it all again for 10 days this time. Hotel is booked, still looking for flights but will be fine.

Short working day today, doctor's this morning - nothing too serious, got blood tests done so should know pretty soon. Hubby picking me up on his way home from work, he was sleep over last night so haven't actually seen him since Monday, that's life. (ooh that would make a good song title), so will be leaving early as well.

Really tired just now, had the cold then my black mood and an assignment to do but hey life is fun, grasp it with both hands cos you don't know what is round the corner.

Bye for now

More ramblings tomorrow.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

What a day

Somehow I can't get onto my blog from work anymore. Was so disappointed. Mind you the computers were playing up most of the day so will see what happens tomorrow.

Had an assignment to hand in today and worked on it for over 3 hours last night. I put it onto a USB. Learned my lesson the hard way, saved my first assignment but for some reason it disappeared into the ethos never to be found again. I had been so proud of it and the second attempt didn't really match up. Passed but only just. Have been getting steadily better and now save on computer and stick. Panic set in tonight and thought I would have to go back to work. Had been doing some 'fine tuning' at work and saving as I went along. Anyway on the bus back home tonight thinking about things in general and mulling over if there were any more changes I could make when the thought suddenly struck me - I didn't have my 'stick'. OMG what to do. It was 17:45 but I called work and luckily one of my colleagues was still there. He very kindly got the 'stick' from my computer and e-mailed my assignment to me. I owe him a bar of chocolate least, would have been ciggies but he stopped 3 months ago. Anyway the beast has been put to bed. Waiting game until next week when results will be back. Hey ho, couple of days break then start on the next one. New books, new chapters to read, new subject matter, all very exciting.

Talk again soon, bed time for me now. Nite to all.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Happy Monday

Can't believe it's Monday again. Where do the days go to and why are Saturday and Sunday the shortest days of the week.

Feeling so much better today, glad I caught the black mood in time. Hate going there feel so worthless, helpless and of no value. Still things are much brighter and hopefully will stay that way.

Back at work bright eyed and bushy tailed (emmmm) well you know what I mean. So much to do and so little time to do it in. Have to get cracking on sorting out a filing cabinet and cupboard. Should have done it last week but with being off, etc, etc.

Have brought my assignment with me, will work on it at lunchtime and hope the gray cells start to work a bit better than they have been doing of late. Only got today and tomorrow to complete it. Thankfully I have a terrific tutor who will allow me extra time if needed. Beginning to like the course although it wasn't what I expected it to be. Bit of a mixture but will be worth it in the end. Who knows in 5 years I could have a BA in Criminology and then watch out, ha ha.

Time to go and get on with some work. Cheeri xx

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Getting my brain into gear

I'm having a bit of a problem right now. I have an assignment to hand in on Tuesday and although I have my notes and textbook I just can't seem to get it together. Perhaps I'm just not meant to be doing this. I think about all the things I've been told about how to set out my assignment, how to read the question and how to write in my own words but guess what---- I can't remember a thing. There's just this black hole and nothing seems to be staying in there. I know eventually I will get something down on paper but right now I don't seem too certain.

It's been a funny old week, started on quite a low note, black feelings, not wanting to do anything but has changed for the better, slow but sure. The black feeling is now a shade of gray.

Life is good, family are keeping well and the dark nights are getting lighter. Friendships are blossoming and my dearest friend (you know who you are) is always there for me. I wish we could see each other again but then perhaps that wouldn't be such a good idea. Best to let things stay the way they are.

Less of the rambling and more of the doing, going to have something to eat then get the thinking head on.

Ramble again later.
